

德國IWIS耐磨蝕鏈條CR CHAIN 目錄下載

iwis corrosion resistant chains consist of hardened, highly alloyed steels showing a good wear resistance
and considerably higher fatigue and breaking strengths than for stainless chains. CR chains can be used in
those applications where chains despite of extreme conditions need to remain flexible and stainless due to
hygienic and visual reasons. A lubrication of CR chains is recommended.

瑞典IWIS抗磨損蝕提升機鏈板CR CHAIN 文件目錄下載使用 德國企業IWIS高耐磨蝕鏈接CR CHAIN 分類目錄下載地址 歐洲德國IWIS耐磨橡膠蝕皮帶CR CHAIN 總目錄使用 美國IWIS耐磨涂層蝕摩托車鏈條CR CHAIN 根目錄下載百度
